Why Small Ships?
Small Ships Offer a Wider Array of Experiences
Small ships win people over because they can go to places that the big ships can’t. You see the country from within, rather than observing it from the outside. Small ships can seek out ports of call and hidden locales that remain unknown to big-ship cruisers.
They’re More Personable
Because of the vastly reduced passenger count, you become familiar with your fellow guests in a way that just isn’t possible on a large ship with thousands of passengers. Staff are likely to have a better grasp of what makes you tick as a person, and this frequently translates into excellent service.
Small ships cover a wide range of cruising types. View some popular options here then give us call!
Small to Medium vessels (250 to 1000 passengers), sail the 7 seas, coastal ports where mega ships cannot go with “high” touch, expert tour guides.
North America, Europe, Scandinavia, Asia, South America, Central America, Panama Canal, Suez Canal, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Island, Caribbean.
Small ships, “high touch”, easy port access, one or more connected nations, local cuisine and culture, history, Travel thought countries not around them, expert tour guides.
Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East, USA, Canada, Russia
Lake & Seas
Small ships on calm waters, visit islands and coastlines, much wildlife, leisure pace watercraft.
North American Great Lakes, Europe, Africa, Asia, Black Sea
Bucket list itineraries on modern, ruggedized ships (50 to 500 passengers) to remote locations. High activity level, expert explorer teams. Kayaks, Rafts and Treks.
Arctic Circle, Antarctica, Patagonia, Greenland, Iceland, Northwest Passage, Norway
Active adventure sailing to places larger ships cannot go. Exotic ports on 7 continents. Wildlife, hiking, native cultures.
Galapagos, Alaska, Canadian Maritimes, Mexico, Pacific Islands, Africa, Asia, Australia, Mediterranean, Adriatic and Ionian Sea.
Canal and Longboats
Many countries of Europe and Asia have canals used for both commerce and leisure cruising. These are narrow waterways allow 1 to 12 cruisers travel through the countryside on a very leisurely pace.
France, Brittany, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Netherlands, Germany, North America
Power and sailed yachts take you on adventures to places rarely seen. Local food, water activities and exotic destinations aware from the hurried crowds.
US coastal cities, Mexico, Caribbean, Mediterranean, Pacific Islands
Masted Ships
Multi-masted sailing ship are modern vessels that rely on wind power to travel from place to place. Can be part of crew or just enjoy the fresh air. Lots of activities and a leisure pace.
Sails the seven seas by season.
Rent your own vessel on a river, lake or sea. Smaller catamarans can sail from 4 to 20 passengers. Larger ships can be charted partially or totally. Safe and secure. Great for extended family reunions, business retreats, affinity groups, religious groups where you want to tailor the itinerary to your tastes and style and no have to share the vessel with strangers.

Taking on the World, One City at a Time
When Lewis and Clark went looking for a route to the western United States, they followed the Missouri River trying to discover its source. Likewise, John Hanning Speke discovered Lake Victoria Nyanza, the source of the Nile in 1858. Francisco de Orellana and his brother set off from Quito in 1541 looking for the lost city of gold by going down the Rio Napo until its confluence with the Amazon and followed that east until the group emerged in the Atlantic in August 1542.
Historically, humans have chosen to live close to rivers for their abundant water supply as well as for navigation purposes. Some of our oldest cities in the world were established on the banks of rivers. Over time, people have been able to become less reliant on rivers through pipelines, canals, and ground water pumping, along with faster transportation including railways and air travel. River flows are linked to livelihood, identity, sense of place, religious beliefs and ceremonies, language systems, or educational practices. If you want to immerse yourself in a culture and learn about a place you are visiting, there is no better way than to explore its rivers.
This sense of discovery and cultural exploration is why Krayton Travel has chosen to focus on small ship travel like river cruising. If you are looking for a cultural adventure, try river cruising
Krayton Travel is here to help. We have the knowledge and professional connections of a specialty travel agency. I lost my wife before we were able to retire and travel extensively, so now I encourage people to “Make memories, not regrets.TM Together we can design your dream vacations for your memories of a lifetime! It’s never too early to plan, let’s get started today…
Small Ship Cruising
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